Becoming a sponsor of our annual social events will allow your business or organization the opportunity to bring more awareness and support to families affected by autism. Your sponsorship will go towards the event with an option of choosing recurring monthly payments.
We also have sponsorship opportunities supporting our teen and adult programs. Follow these links if your interested: Young Adult Connection, My Summer Journey and Teen Connection.

Family Game Night – April 25, 2025
$1,000 – Family Game Night Advocate Sponsor
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Large logo on Family Game Night webpage and event signage
- Logo posted on ACC social media two times for sponsorship
- Will have a resource table and 2 chairs to use during the event to talk with attendees about resources and services
- Monthly recurring payment option: $83
$500 – Family Game Night Friendship Sponsor
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Small logo on Family Game Night webpage and event signage
- Logo posted on ACC social media one time for sponsorship
- Provide promotional items like brochures, handouts, etc. to be put on a table for attendees during event.
- Monthly recurring payment option: $41
Trivia Night – September 13, 2025
$2,000 – Trivia Night Round Sponsor
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Included three tables for 24 guests or donate tables to local teachers
- Large logo on ACC Trivia Night webpage and event signage
- 15 raffle tickets and 5 mulligans
- Will read information about your organization/company during Trivia Night Welcome announcements
- Dedicated PowerPoint slide during Trivia Night Round
- Monthly recurring payment option: $166
$1,000 – Trivia Night Advocate Sponsor
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Includes two tables for 16 guests or donate tables to local teachers
- Large logo on Trivia Night webpage and event signage
- 10 raffle tickets and 2 mulligans
- Recognition during event
- Monthly recurring payment option: $83
$600 – Trivia Night Friendship Sponsor
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Includes one table for 8 guests or donate table your table to local teachers
- Small logo on Trivia Night webpage and event signage
- 5 raffle tickets
- Recognition during event
- Monthly recurring payment option: $50
Trunk or Treat – October 18, 2025
$1,000 – Trunk or Treat Advocate Sponsor
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Large logo on Trunk or Treat webpage, event signage, and handout to participants
- Prime vendor location with one extra parking space
- Logo posted on ACC social media two times for sponsorship
- Monthly recurring payment option: $83
$500 – Trunk or Treat Friendship Sponsor
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Small logo on Trunk or Treat webpage, event signage, and handout to participants
- Prime vendor location parking space
- Logo posted on ACC social media one time for sponsorship
- Monthly recurring payment option: $41
Breakfast with Santa – December 20, 2025
$1,000 – Breakfast with Santa Advocate Sponsor
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Large logo on Breakfast with Santa webpage and event signage
- Logo posted on ACC social media two times for sponsorship
- Will have a resource table and 2 chairs to use during the event to talk with attendees about resources and services
- Monthly recurring payment option: $83
$500 – Breakfast with Santa Friendship Sponsor
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Small logo on Breakfast with Santa webpage and event signage
- Logo posted on ACC social media one time for sponsorship
- Provide promotional items like brochures, handouts, etc. to be put on a table for attendees during event.
- Monthly recurring payment option: $41

Learn More about the benefits of becoming a partner and sponsor with the registration form.
Click to become a Sponsor & Partner
Another option is to download the registration form and fill it out. Please make the check payable to Autism Community Connection. Then mail the registration form and check to:
Autism Community Connection, 2455 Fairview Place, Box 2 Greenwood, IN 46142
If you have any questions about ACC partnerships and sponsorship contact Kelli Higgins, Executive Director at